Vec2 class

Basic usage

Vec2 is the class used for all 2 dimensions vector manipulations.


To create a new Vec2, just use its constructor.
If used without parameters, it will create a null vector Vec2 with X and Y components equal to 0.

// create two new Vec2 vectors
const nullVector = new Vec2();
const vector = new Vec2(1, 1);

Use chaining

Since most of the Vec2 methods return the vector itself, you can use chaining:

// create a new Vec2 vector and chain methods
const vector = new Vec2().addScalar(2).normalize();

onChange callback

Vec2 class is using getters and setters, allowing to execute a function each time one of the vector components changes:

// create a new Vec2 vector and listen to its changes
const vector = new Vec2().onChange(() => {
// one of the vector component just changed, do something...
const normalizedVector = vector.normalize();
// this will trigger our onChange callback
vector.x = 1;
// be careful, this will trigger onChange again!
vector.y = 2;


  • X float, optional value along X axis. Default to 0.
  • Y float, optional value along Y axis. Default to 0.


  • x (float): v7.0

    Value along X axis.

  • y (float): v7.0

    Value along Y axis.


  • add(vector): v7.0

    Adds a vector to this vector.

    • vector Vec2 class object vector to add

    returns: this vector after addition.

  • addScalar(scalar): v7.0

    Adds a scalar to this vector.

    • scalar float number to add

    returns: this vector after addition.

  • clone(): v7.0

    Clone this vector.

    returns: new cloned vector.

  • copy(vector): v7.0

    Copy a vector into this vector.

    • vector Vec2 class object vector to copy

    returns: this vector after copy.

  • dot(vector): v7.0

    Calculates the dot product of 2 vectors.

    • vector Vec2 class object vector to use for dot product

    returns: a float representing the dot product of the 2 vectors.

  • equals(vector): v7.0

    Checks if 2 vectors are equal.

    • vector Vec2 class object vector to compare

    returns: true if the 2 vectors are equals, false otherwise.

  • max(vector): v7.0

    Apply max values to this vector.

    • vector Vec2 class object vector representing max values

    returns: vector with max values applied.

  • min(vector): v7.0

    Apply min values to this vector.

    • vector Vec2 class object vector representing min values

    returns: vector with min values applied.

  • multiply(vector): v7.1

    Multiplies a vector with this vector.

    • vector Vec2 class object vector to use for multiplication

    returns: this vector after multiplication.

  • multiplyScalar(scalar): v7.1

    Multiplies a scalar with this vector.

    • scalar float number to use for multiplication

    returns: this vector after multiplication.

  • normalize(): v7.0

    Normalize this vector.

    returns: normalized vector.

  • sanitizeNaNValuesWith(vector): v7.0

    Merges this vector with a vector when values are NaN. Mostly used internally to avoid errors.

    • vector Vec2 class object vector to use for sanitization (i.e. set this vector value if original vector value is NaN).

    returns: sanitized vector.

  • set(x, y): v7.0

    Sets the vector from values.

    • x float X component of our vector.
    • y float Y component of our vector.

    returns: this vector after being set.

  • sub(vector): v7.0

    Subtracts a vector from this vector.

    • vector Vec2 class object vector to use for subtraction.

    returns: this vector after subtraction.

  • subScalar(scalar): v7.0

    Subtracts a scalar to this vector.

    • scalar float number to use for subtraction.

    returns: this vector after subtraction.


  • onChange(callback): v8.0

    Execute a function each time the x or y component of the vector changed.

    • callback function function to execute.

    returns: your Vec2 object, allowing it to be chainable.